The Telugu film industry, renowned for its grand spectacles and star-driven narratives, presents a formidable challenge for small-budget films. Despite the odds, ‘Aay’, a village-based love story, is poised to disrupt this conventional landscape. Produced under the banner of Sitara and presented by Geetha Arts, the film marks the directorial debut of Nithin Narne, brother-in-law...
The meteoric rise of Vijay Sethupathi from obscurity to a prominent figure in the Indian film industry is a testament to his exceptional talent and versatility. Renowned for his ability to effortlessly inhabit a wide range of characters, the actor has carved a unique niche for himself, demonstrating equal prowess as a leading man and...
Astrologer Venu Swamy, known for his often controversial predictions and assessments, has once again found himself in the spotlight, this time for his comments on the engagement of actor Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala. The Telugu Film Journalists Association (TFJA) and the Telugu Film Digital Media Association (TFDMA) have taken strong objection to Swamy’s remarks,...
GA2 Pictures’ upcoming film, “Aay,” is set to hit the screens on Independence Day, August 15th. The light-hearted village entertainer, set against the picturesque backdrop of Godavari, has generated considerable anticipation following the release of its promising trailer. The film’s promotional content has effectively piqued the interest of audiences. To further build momentum, the film’s...
Bollywood megastar Aamir Khan, renowned for his meticulous approach and selective film choices, experienced a significant professional setback with the underperformance of his 2022 film, “Laal Singh Chadda.” The film, which demanded substantial time and effort, failed to resonate with audiences, resulting in substantial financial losses for the actor. Despite this disappointment, Khan has opted...
New Delhi, Aug 10 (IANS) A new Artificial Intelligence (AI) model that can accurately predict how different proteins bind to DNA has been developed to help reduce the time required to develop new drugs and other medical treatments, according to a study. The novel technology, developed at the University of Southern California, US is named...
Washington, Aug 10 (IANS) US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant earlier Saturday, India time, discussing ongoing efforts to de-escalate tensions in the region. According to the US Department of State, Blinken reaffirmed Washington’s ironclad commitment to Israel’s security and discussed how escalation is in no party’s interest. “The...
Seoul, Aug 10 (IANS) South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol will have a dinner meeting with former President Lee Myung-bak next week, a source said on Saturday. Yoon has invited Lee, who served as president from 2008 to 2013, and his wife for dinner, according to a source familiar with the issue, without providing details...
Hyderabad, India (August 10, 2024) – Produced by Niharika Konidela, the recently released film Committee Kurrollu has garnered positive reviews and a promising box office performance. Featuring an ensemble cast of newcomers, the film has managed to capture the attention of audiences with its nostalgic charm, vibrant portrayal of rural life, and strong emphasis on...
Recent comments made by Stylish Star Allu Arjun at the pre-release event of Maruti Nagar Subrahmanyam have ignited discussions within the Telugu film industry. His remarks, interpreted by many as a critique of recent films, have led to speculation and debates among fans and industry insiders. SKN, the producer of the film Baby, has now...
The recent re-release of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s blockbuster film ‘Indra’ has ignited a renewed passion for the classic Telugu movie. This resurgence of interest has been further fueled by some surprising revelations from actor Sivaji, who played a pivotal role in the film. In a recent interview, Sivaji shed light on his experience working on ‘Indra’....
Kyiv, Aug 23 (IANS) Declaring that history was made on Friday with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Kyiv, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that India supports his country’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. “Today, history was made. The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi made his first visit to Ukraine since our country’s independence,...
New Delhi, Aug 22 (IANS) Quantum physics long remains an enigmatic and fascinating branch of science, with lots of scientists, from Albert Einstein to Richard Feynman all doing their calculations and winning accolades. But quantum physics is a loop, it continues to baffle even the most experienced but today another scientist has tried to demystify...
The YCP party has faced a significant setback with the emergence of a personal controversy involving party leader Duvvada Srinivas. The issue, which dominated media headlines for several days, involved allegations of infidelity and family discord. Duvvada Srinivas’s alleged relationship with Divvela Madhuri, whom she described as her “guide and philosopher,” led to protests by...
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