Mumbai, India (August 20, 2024) – Global star Priyanka Chopra Jonas has made a significant foray into Marathi cinema with the upcoming release of her production venture, Paani. The film, set to hit theaters on October 18, 2024, has generated considerable anticipation following the release of its evocative teaser. Produced under Chopra Jonas’ banner, Purple...
Once a cinematic titan with a string of critically acclaimed and commercially successful films such as Lagaan, Fanaa, 3 Idiots, PK, and Dangal, Aamir Khan’s stardom experienced a significant downturn with the underperformance of Thugs of Hindustan. This was further exacerbated by the box office failure of the Forrest Gump adaptation, Laal Singh Chaddha. The...
Actor S.J. Suryah has recently offered a glimpse into the intriguing plot of the upcoming Telugu film, Saripoda Sanivaaram, starring Nani in the lead role. The film, helmed by director Vivek Athreya, has been generating substantial anticipation, and Suryah’s revelations have only served to heighten the excitement surrounding the project. At the core of the...
Tollywood actor Sudheer Babu, known for his diverse roles, has recently expressed his support for fellow Telugu star Prabhas. The controversy erupted after Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi made critical remarks about Prabhas’ performance in the film Kalki 2898 AD, describing the actor’s portrayal as resembling a “joker”. Sudheer Babu, in a public statement, condemned Arshad...
The unparalleled stardom of Shiva Rajkumar, often reverentially referred to as Shivanna, is a testament to his enduring appeal and immense contribution to Kannada cinema. His commanding screen presence, exemplified by his recent, electrifying cameo in ‘Jailer’, where a simple slow-motion walk and cigar-smoking sequence sent fans into a frenzy, underscores his iconic status. Currently...
Khushi Kapoor, the youngest daughter of late actress Sridevi, has rapidly ascended to prominence in Bollywood since her debut in Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies. Her portrayal of Veronica was met with critical acclaim, establishing her as a promising young talent. The actress is currently poised to solidify her position in the industry with upcoming projects...
Kiran Abbavaram is set to make a significant impact with his upcoming period action thriller, ‘KA’. The actor has undergone a remarkable transformation for the film, promising a fresh and dynamic on-screen persona. The recently released first single, “World of Vasudev,” offers a glimpse into the film’s world. Composed by Sam CS and sung by...
The horror-comedy sequel, Stree 2, starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, has emerged as a phenomenal box office success, grossing a staggering ₹200 crore within its first four days of release. The film’s strategic release on India’s Independence Day, coupled with the extended Raksha Bandhan weekend, proved to be a masterstroke as it capitalized on...
The set of Prabhas’ much-anticipated film, The Raja Saab, transformed into a celebratory space recently as the cast and crew came together to honor actress Nidhhi Agerwal on her birthday. The joyous occasion, orchestrated by director Maruthi, underscored the harmonious atmosphere on the film set. Nidhhi expressed her gratitude for the heartfelt celebration on social...
Baghdad, Aug 17 (IANS) Stressing that it remains an integral part of the Global South and has a firm commitment to a shared vision for a sustainable and prosperous future for all, Iraq on Saturday expressed its “sincere appreciation” to the Indian government for hosting the 3rd Voice of Global South Summit under the chairmanship...
Recent comments made by Stylish Star Allu Arjun at the pre-release event of Maruti Nagar Subrahmanyam have ignited discussions within the Telugu film industry. His remarks, interpreted by many as a critique of recent films, have led to speculation and debates among fans and industry insiders. SKN, the producer of the film Baby, has now...
The recent re-release of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s blockbuster film ‘Indra’ has ignited a renewed passion for the classic Telugu movie. This resurgence of interest has been further fueled by some surprising revelations from actor Sivaji, who played a pivotal role in the film. In a recent interview, Sivaji shed light on his experience working on ‘Indra’....
Kyiv, Aug 23 (IANS) Declaring that history was made on Friday with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Kyiv, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that India supports his country’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. “Today, history was made. The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi made his first visit to Ukraine since our country’s independence,...
New Delhi, Aug 22 (IANS) Quantum physics long remains an enigmatic and fascinating branch of science, with lots of scientists, from Albert Einstein to Richard Feynman all doing their calculations and winning accolades. But quantum physics is a loop, it continues to baffle even the most experienced but today another scientist has tried to demystify...
The YCP party has faced a significant setback with the emergence of a personal controversy involving party leader Duvvada Srinivas. The issue, which dominated media headlines for several days, involved allegations of infidelity and family discord. Duvvada Srinivas’s alleged relationship with Divvela Madhuri, whom she described as her “guide and philosopher,” led to protests by...
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